WordPress “one-click” installer

We’re pleased to announce our WordPress “one-click” installer. Using this new feature in our “My Account” control panel, you can easily install WordPress on your Web site.

WordPress is a popular (and free!) way of creating blogs or “real Web pages” — it’s an easy-to-use, flexible “Content Management System”.

We recommend WordPress for most customers who want to create a site, but don’t want to install any software on their own computer. Just answer a couple of questions about where you’d like WordPress to be installed and whether you’ll use it primarily to make Web pages or blog posts, and the installer handles the rest — no need to upload files or create a database. Updates are simple, too, using the standard WordPress “Dashboard”.

So of you’ve been looking for an easy way to create a good-looking site or blog, give WordPress a try!


  1. I just saw that you have been running your WordPress “one-click” installer for only a couple of months.

    I just set up a new site with you using your WordPress “one-click”installer, and it was the easiest install I have ever done. The site was literally up and running in 5 minutes and is functioning really well!

    I also installed 2 Mailman lists that were super easy too. I contacted Customer Support to help with the transfer of list members. You were all courteous and efficient, and the lists are operating beautifully.

    So I just wanted to say, “Well done, TigerTech!”

  2. Thanks, Marcy! We’re glad you’re happy with our services!

  3. Hi there

    I can’t find the one click wordpress installer. Am I blind? Please help.

  4. AE: it looks like you only have a parked domain name through us, and not a full hosting account. One of our staff members will contact you by e-mail to help you get hosting service if you wish.

System status:All systems operational