WordPress 6.6

WordPress 6.6 was recently released, and as always, we’ve updated our WordPress one-click installer to automatically install the latest version for new WordPress sites. WordPress 6.6 works fine on our servers (make sure you’re using a recent version of PHP for your site).

If you’ve previously installed an older version of WordPress, you should update it from within your WordPress Dashboard.

A nice new feature of WordPress 6.6 is that it if you’ve enabled automatic plugin updates (which you should, for security reasons), it will do extra checks after each automatic update to ensure your site still works — and if it doesn’t, it will automatically undo the update to get your site working again. This gives you even more confidence that turning on automatic updates is a good idea: it keeps your site secure, and it gives you one less thing to worry about doing yourself manually. We enable automatic updates on all our own WordPress sites, and we think that everyone else should, too.

WordPress 5.7

WordPress 5.7 was recently released, and as always, we’ve updated our WordPress one-click installer to automatically install the latest version for new WordPress sites. WordPress 5.7 works fine on our servers (make sure you’re using a recent version of PHP for your site).

If you’ve previously installed an older version of WordPress, you should update it from within your WordPress Dashboard.

WordPress 5.6

WordPress 5.6 was recently released, and as always, we’ve updated our WordPress one-click installer to automatically install the latest version for new WordPress sites. WordPress 5.6 works fine on our servers (make sure you’re using a recent version of PHP for your site).

If you’ve previously installed an older version of WordPress, you should update it from within your WordPress Dashboard.

WordPress 5.5

WordPress 5.5 was recently released, and as always, we’ve updated our WordPress one-click installer to automatically install the latest version for new WordPress sites. WordPress 5.5 works fine on our servers (make sure you’re using a recent version of PHP for your site).

If you’ve previously installed an older version of WordPress, you should update it from within your WordPress Dashboard.

One great new feature of WordPress 5.5 is that it adds automatic updates of plugins and themes. We strongly recommend enabling this feature to improve the security of your site. To do that, just click “Enable auto-updates” for all your plugins and themes:

That’s all it takes to prevent most “hacker” attacks on your site.

WordPress 5.4

WordPress 5.4 was recently released, and as always, we’ve updated our WordPress one-click installer to automatically install the latest version for new WordPress sites. WordPress 5.4 works fine on our servers (make sure you’re using a recent version of PHP for your site).

If you’ve previously installed an older version of WordPress, you should update it from within your WordPress Dashboard.

WordPress 5.3

WordPress 5.3 was recently released, and as always, we’ve updated our WordPress one-click installer to automatically install the latest version for new WordPress sites. WordPress 5.3 works fine on our servers (make sure you’re using a recent version of PHP for your site).

If you’ve previously installed an older version of WordPress, you should update it from within your WordPress Dashboard.

WordPress 5.2

WordPress 5.2 was recently released, and as always, we’ve updated our WordPress one-click installer to automatically install the latest version for new WordPress sites. WordPress 5.2 works fine on our servers (make sure you’re using a recent version of PHP for your site).

If you’ve previously installed an older version of WordPress, you should update it from within your WordPress Dashboard.

WordPress 5.0

WordPress 5.0 was recently released, and as always, we’ve updated our WordPress one-click installer to automatically install the latest version for new WordPress sites. WordPress 5.0 works fine on our servers (make sure you’re using a recent version of PHP for your site).

If you’ve previously installed an older version of WordPress, you should update it from within your WordPress Dashboard.

One thing to note is that WordPress 5.0 comes with a new default editor called Gutenberg. Some people like Gutenberg and some people don’t; if you don’t, you can install the Classic Editor Plugin to continue to use the old editor.

WordPress 4.7

WordPress 4.7 was recently released, and as always, we’ve updated our WordPress one-click installer to automatically install the latest version for new WordPress sites.

If you’ve previously installed an older version of WordPress, you should update it from within your WordPress Dashboard.

Read the rest of this entry »

WordPress 4.5; built in editors

WordPress 4.5 was recently released, and as always, we’ve updated our WordPress one-click installer to automatically install the latest version (actually now version 4.5.1) for new WordPress sites.

If you’ve previously installed an older version of WordPress, you should update it from within your WordPress Dashboard.

We’ve also modified our automatic installer to disable the built in theme and plugin file editor by default for new installations (existing installations are not affected).

This both improves security (many automated hacks and XSS attacks blindly try to use the editor) and avoids a problem we see happen often:

  • People think that the “Edit” link next to a plugin or theme will edit the settings of it, not the code of it, so they click it;
  • Then they see a weird screen of code and don’t know what to do, and they perhaps type something as an experiment;
  • That doesn’t help, so they click “save” to get out of the weird screen;
  • And WordPress completely stops working due to a PHP syntax error in what they typed.

We think the editor shouldn’t be enabled for most people. It should be enabled only by developers (and very brave developers who make good backups, at that). Developers can easily enable it by editing the wp-config.php file to remove the “DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT” line.

Update 2016-05-26: We have removed the customization that disabled the built-in theme and plugin editors because several customers said it is an integral part of their workflow. All new installations will have the standard theme and plugin editors functionality.