PEAR package updates

The following stable PEAR packages were updated on our hosting servers today:

  • File_SearchReplace: 1.1.1 to 1.1.2
  • Net_UserAgent_Detect: 2.2.0 to 2.3.0
  • PEAR: 1.5.1 to 1.5.3

The full list of PEAR modules we have available (and more details about PEAR) is on this page.

PHP 4 Upgraded for Security

We’ve updated PHP 4 on our servers to cover six recently identified security issues. Users shouldn’t notice any changes.

An upgrade for PHP 5 is also in progress. After testing, we actually rolled out the update onto our servers for a short time, until a customer reported an unusual problem with vBulletin posts getting cut off when they contain an odd number of apostrophes shortly afterward. This problem appears to be related to the update, so we have rolled back to the previous version of PHP 5 while we investigate this. (This kind of thing is very rare: this is the first security update in over year that has caused a problem. We have a suite of “regression tests” that we use to test PHP upgrades, and there wasn’t a general problem with it. We’ll follow up with more details when we know more.)

By the way, if you’re unfamiliar with what we mean by a “security update”, this page will help.


Welcome to the Tiger Technologies blog!

Although we already have a mailing list for Important Announcements, we try to keep traffic there to a minimum. But there are lots of other things happening that we’d sometimes like to share — everything from minor software updates on our servers to useful tips from our support staff.

One of the most useful features is RSS feeds. RSS feeds let you use a feed reader to “subscribe” to all the posts on the blog, or just to particular categories. For example, if you want to see the key things we think every well-informed customer might want to know, you could subscribe to the “Blog Highlights” feed. Or, if you want to know about every last technical change we make to our server platform, the “Tech Corner” feed is for you!

By the way, we should mention that we’ll probably be making lots of changes to the blog as it evolves. We may even change the names of some of the categories, which would cause your RSS feed to stop working. If that happens, you can simply visit the blog again and re-subscribe to the new feed name.

We hope this blog is useful, and we welcome comments and feedback.