Labor Day 2018 holiday hours

Our business offices will be closed on Monday, September 3 to observe the US Labor Day legal holiday. As always, we’ll provide same-day support for time-sensitive issues via our ticket and e-mail systems. However, questions that aren’t time-sensitive (including most billing matters) may not be answered until Tuesday, and telephone support (via callbacks) will be available only for urgent issues.

PHP 7.1.21 and 7.2.9

The PHP developers recently released versions 7.1.21 and 7.2.9 that fix several bugs. We’ve upgraded the PHP 7.1 and 7.2 series on our servers as a result.

These changes should not be noticeable, but as always, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any trouble.

phpMyAdmin updated to version 4.8.3

We’ve updated phpMyAdmin to the latest version, 4.8.3.

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Manual spam “reject list” matching improved

We’ve improved how our “My Account” control panel rejection of email addresses works.

Previously, if you added an e-mail address to the reject list, the “Return-Path” (aka bounce address) header of each incoming message was checked for matches. This was sufficient for most messages, but some messages use a different address in the “Return-Path” header and the “From” address header, which could be confusing.

As of today, both headers (the “Return-Path” header and the “From” address header) are checked when matching reject list entries, making it more reliable.

As always, don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any trouble or questions.