Google, please fix FeedBurner

Google FeedBurner is still hammering several of our customer sites with over 5,000 requests for the same URL per hour. We’ve blogged about this before. We’ve also reported it on the FeedBurner Help Group and seen similar reports from others going back to 2008.

Here’s the relevant log entries from a site that FeedBurner hit 5,836 times in one hour this morning (up to 8 times a second). There’s nothing unusual about the site: it’s on a single IP address with a single hostname, and the feed doesn’t change often.

Some sites run a PHP script for every request, so this FeedBurner problem generates high load for no useful purpose at all.

Google: Please fix this. Thanks!


  1. Is Google still supporting Feedburner? I was under the impression they gave up on it long ago?

  2. The exact same thing is happening to us, and has been for the last few days. It might be longer but that’s as far back as I’ve looked to find out why “the site’s going slow”.

    We’ve had over 60,000 requests from FeedBurner over four days. The strange thing is, they’re hitting “/blog/index.php” rather than “/feed” which is what FeedBurner is configured for. It’s very odd… and the total lack of response others have got over the years makes me wonder if it’s even worth reporting.

  3. >Is Google still supporting Feedburner?

    I guess it depends on the definition of “supporting”…. Google looks like they’re still pushing FeedBurner, but they’re certainly not doing a good job of supporting it in the Feedburner Help Group. 🙁