Brief scheduled maintenance on web06 server September 28, 2013 (completed)

At approximately 11:00 PM Saturday September 28, 2013, the “web06” server will be restarted. This will cause a short interruption of service for Web sites on that server lasting about 8 minutes.

Other servers will not be affected. Mail for customers on this server will be queued and delivered after a short delay.

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Avoid forwarding spam to other services

When you create an e-mail address in our control panel, you can usually choose the level of spam filtering we apply to incoming mail. One of those options is to turn off the filtering completely.

If you’re just delivering mail to a mailbox on our servers, this may cause your mailbox to fill up with junk, but beyond that, it doesn’t usually cause any problems for us.

But if you’re forwarding all your mail to another service, this can cause problems, and you may find that we apply some filtering anyway.

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Gmail problems September 23, 2013 (resolved)

We’ve received reports from some of our customers about errors or delays sending mail to or from Gmail on September 23, 2013.

This was caused by a general problem at Gmail that they’ve since resolved, and wasn’t related to our servers.

PHP 5.4.20 and 5.5.4

The PHP developers recently released version 5.4.20 that fixes several bugs. We’ve upgraded PHP 5.4 on our servers as a result.

We’ve also introduced support for the new PHP 5.5 series, making PHP 5.5.4 available as a new option in our My Account control panel.

Finally, we’ve updated all versions of PHP to use the latest versions of the ionCube Loader (4.4.3), ImageMagick (3.1.0) and SourceGuardian (9.5) PHP extensions. These changes should be transparent to customers.

In the unlikely event you experience any issues, don’t hesitate to let us know.

External monitoring system problem (resolved)

At 7:59 AM Pacific time on September 13, we tweeted this:

However, this was a false alarm. The problem was in our independent external monitoring system, not a real problem with any of our servers or network.

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WordPress 3.6.1

WordPress 3.6.1 was recently released, and as always, we’ve updated our WordPress one-click installer to automatically install the latest version for new WordPress sites.

If you’ve previously installed WordPress, you should update it from within your WordPress Dashboard.

The new version of WordPress is described as a security release that prevents “hackers” from modifying your site if you use “a popular plugin“, whose name has not yet been revealed so that everyone has a chance to upgrade first. While we may be able to add additional protection against this vulnerability when the details are revealed, updating now guarantees your site will stay protected.

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System status: