Incoming mail problem (resolved)

From 12:51 to 12:54 PM Pacific time today, one of our inbound mail servers ( incorrectly rejected some incoming mail that wouldn’t normally have been rejected, due to a configuration problem. This resulted in a small handful of messages being returned to the sender instead of properly delivered.

(It’s hard to say exactly how many messages were incorrectly rejected, because most messages that reach our servers are rejected anyway because they really are spam. It’s likely that about a dozen “real” messages were affected.)

This issue was caused by a bug in a script we use to generate configuration files for our e-mail servers. In a certain rare condition, the script could generate incorrect data. We’ve fixed the underlying problem so that it can’t happen again.

We know our customers count on us for reliable mail delivery, and we consider it to be one of the most important features of our service. We’re embarrassed that this happened, and we sincerely apologize to anyone affected.


  1. I was sent a shipping notice from UPS (QuantumView) in this time frame, or within a few minutes of it. I got the email, but I later got an email from the company that’s shipping to me, expressing concern that the UPS notice had bounced back to them. I assured them that I had gotten the email from UPS, as well as one directly from the company sent 15 minutes later. I’m just describing the situation in case it helps with diagnosis.

  2. Leisa — your message from UPS was one of the affected ones; we have sent more details in a private e-mail message.