phpMyAdmin updated to version 4.1.8

We’ve updated phpMyAdmin to the latest version, 4.1.8.

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PHP 5.4.24 and 5.5.8

The PHP developers recently released versions 5.4.24 and 5.5.8 that fix several bugs. We’ve updated PHP 5.4 and 5.5 on our servers as a result.

The PHP 5.3 version (5.3.28) was not changed.

These changes should not be noticeable, but in the unlikely event you experience any trouble, don’t hesitate to let us know.

PHP 5.3.28, 5.4.23, and 5.5.7

The PHP developers recently released versions 5.3.28, 5.4.23, and 5.5.7 that fix several bugs. We’ve upgraded PHP 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 on our servers as a result.

These changes should not be noticeable, but in the unlikely event you experience any trouble, don’t hesitate to let us know.

PHP 5.4.22 and 5.5.6

The PHP developers recently released versions 5.4.22 and 5.5.6 that fix several bugs. We’ve upgraded PHP 5.4 and 5.5 on our servers as a result.

In the unlikely event you experience any issues, don’t hesitate to let us know.

PHP 5.4.20 and 5.5.4

The PHP developers recently released version 5.4.20 that fixes several bugs. We’ve upgraded PHP 5.4 on our servers as a result.

We’ve also introduced support for the new PHP 5.5 series, making PHP 5.5.4 available as a new option in our My Account control panel.

Finally, we’ve updated all versions of PHP to use the latest versions of the ionCube Loader (4.4.3), ImageMagick (3.1.0) and SourceGuardian (9.5) PHP extensions. These changes should be transparent to customers.

In the unlikely event you experience any issues, don’t hesitate to let us know.

PHP 5.3.27 and 5.4.17

The PHP developers recently announced the release of versions 5.3.27 and 5.4.17 that fix several bugs. We’ve upgraded PHP 5.3 and 5.4 on our servers.

In addition, we’ve updated the obsolete PHP version 5.2.17 on our servers to include the fix for a security bug that the updated 5.3 and 5.4 versions solve. (This bug wouldn’t normally be fixed because the PHP 5.2 series is no longer supported by the PHP developers, but we consider it important enough to manually backport the fix.)

These changes should be transparent to customers. In the unlikely event you experience any issues, don’t hesitate to let us know.

PHP 5.3.26 and 5.4.16

Earlier this month, the PHP developers announced the release of versions 5.3.26 and 5.4.16 that fix several bugs. We’ve upgraded PHP 5.3 and 5.4 on our servers as a result.

In addition, the developers of Zen Guard Loader for PHP (previously known as “Zend Optimizer”) have released a version with PHP 5.4 compatibility, so our copies of PHP 5.4.16 now support that feature, too.

Finally, we’ve also updated the ionCube Loader PHP extension (which most of our customers don’t use) from version 4.4.0 to version 4.4.1.

These changes should be transparent to customers. In the unlikely event you experience any issues, don’t hesitate to let us know.

PHP 5.3.25 and 5.4.15

The PHP developers have announced the release of versions 5.3.25 and 5.4.15 that fix several bugs. We’ve upgraded PHP 5.3 and 5.4 on our servers as a result.

We’ve also updated the ionCube Loader PHP extension (which most of our customers don’t use) from version 4.2.2 to version 4.4.0.

These changes should be transparent to customers. In the unlikely event you experience any issues, don’t hesitate to let us know.

PHP 5.3 upgraded to 5.3.22; PHP 5.4.12 also available

The PHP developers have announced the release of version 5.3.22 that fixes several bugs. We’ve upgraded PHP 5.3.21 to version 5.3.22 on our servers as a result.

In addition, we now offer PHP version 5.4.12 as an optional choice in our control panel. For now, the PHP 5.4 series is recommended only for customers who need to test “cutting edge” features. Most customers should stick with the PHP 5.3 series, which is compatible with a wider variety of scripts.

PHP 5.3 upgraded to 5.3.21

The PHP developers have announced the release of version 5.3.21 that fixes several bugs.

We’ve upgraded PHP 5.3.20 to PHP 5.3.21 on our servers as a result.