Temporary overload on “elzar” server (resolved)

Starting at 10:14 AM this morning, our elzar server experienced an unexpectedly high server load that effectively made some processes on the server unusable for about 10 minutes.

Web sites using scripts or databases on the elzar server may have seemed unresponsive during that time. Also, any customer hosted on elzar who was reading their e-mail during this time may have felt the system was slow or unresponsive (no e-mail was lost, of course).

Customers on other servers were not affected.

The problem was related to an extremely high number of Apache Web server processes running. We’ve changed some Apache configuration settings (lowering the maximum number of Apache processes and reducing some timeout settings so that fewer processes are required in the first place) on all our servers. We expect those change will prevent this symptom from happening again in the future.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.