Brief MySQL scheduled maintenance November 17, 2018 for some servers (completed)

Update 10:46 PM Pacific time Nov. 17: The maintenance described below has been completed and all services are running normally.

Between 10:00 PM and 11:59 PM Pacific time on Saturday, November 17, 2018, the MySQL database software on some hosting servers will be updated. This will cause an approximately two minute interruption of service on each MySQL-using customer Web site (including WordPress sites) at some point during this period.

Specifically, this will affect servers ending in digits 7, 8 and 9, such as “web07” and “web08”. Servers ending in digits 0-6 are not affected now and will be updated later this month.

What’s changing?

With this update, we’re switching from MySQL 5.6.40 to MariaDB 10.0.37, which is exactly equivalent to MySQL 5.6.42.

The name switch from “MySQL” to “MariaDB” is a little confusing; if you don’t care about the details (and you probably shouldn’t care), don’t worry about it. All you really need to know is that everything involving your MySQL databases will keep working exactly as it does now. If you want the full story, the “What is MariaDB? Is it the same as MySQL?” section of our MySQL version help page has more details.

After the upgrade, customers will notice no difference in how their site works. Any software that works properly with MySQL 5.6 should work exactly the same with MariaDB, because MariaDB 10.0 and MySQL 5.6 use the identical source code (with the addition of some extra MariaDB features that make it even more reliable).