An earlier blog post described how several of our customers got their personal computers infected by a new virus that has been spreading across the Internet. Initial versions of the virus spread themselves by reading a Web site’s FTP username and password stored on the PC, then downloading Web pages, inserting an “iframe” tag, and re-uploading the Web pages back to the server. As a proactive measure, we started scanning all uploaded files and stripping out any malicious “iframe” tags.
We are now seeing newer versions (commonly called “Gumblar”) which spread by inserting “script” tags with encoded JavaScript code. Because there are several variations of this approach, and because some legitimate commercial scripts use the same technique to hide their source code, we cannot perfectly identify and strip out these infections. Therefore, we will not automatically strip out the “script” tags from any upload file that looks suspicious.
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We’ve added a new feature to hosting accounts: Live, realtime access to the Apache Web server “error log”, both in the “My Account” control panel and as raw files you can access through FTP/ssh/etc.
To view the most recent 200 lines of the error log, login to the control panel (having trouble?), click “Statistics and Logs”, and look at the new “Web site error logs” section.
To download the full raw error log files, see this page.
We hope you find this useful!
Recently, several customers have told us that pages on their Web sites have been modified without their knowledge. Upon investigation, the customers found their computers had been infected with a virus that steals saved FTP passwords, such as the “Gumblar” or Trojan.PWS.Tupai.A virus.
We’ve taken a step to protect you against this problem (described below), but it’s wise to protect yourself, too.
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At approximately 11:00 PM Pacific time on Friday, April 3, the “flexo”, “mom” and “elzar” servers will be restarted. As a result, Web site and e-mail service for some customers will be unavailable for approximately five minutes.
No e-mail will be lost, of course; incoming mail will just be slightly delayed.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This maintenance is necessary to install an updated “kernel” on our servers, as described in an earlier post.
Update: We’re also going to include the “zapp” server in this maintenance to replace a disk in the RAID array.
Update 2: The maintenance was completed with less than five minutes of “downtime”.
We are pleased to announce that all of our customers are now eligible for a $25 credit to start advertising with Google AdWords™.
AdWords ads run alongside or above Google™ search results, so you can reach new customers right at the moment when they are searching for keywords related to the products and services you offer.
This offer expired December 31, 2009.
At approximately 11:00 PM Pacific time on Saturday, January 31, all of our Web hosting servers (except the “hypnotoad” and “mom” servers) will be restarted. As a result, Web site and e-mail service for some customers will be unavailable for approximately five minutes.
No e-mail will be lost, of course; incoming mail will just be delayed for a few minutes.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This maintenance is necessary to install an updated “kernel” on our servers, as described in an earlier maintenance announcement.
Update: the maintenance was successfully completed on all servers with less than 5 minutes of “downtime”.
In the past few months, we’ve made a couple of behind-the-scenes improvements to our mail systems that have improved reliability for our customers.
- Redundant outgoing mail delivery
- Automatic accepting of replies
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Due to software updates on our servers, most Web hosting customers will experience about ten minutes of scheduled maintenance downtime between 11 PM and 1 AM Pacific time starting on one of the following nights, depending on which server your site is on:
- Friday, August 22 (servers beginning with letter “l-z”)
- Saturday, August 23 (servers beginning with letter “a-k”)
(The servers named “bender” and “lrrr” have already been upgraded, and those customers are not affected.)
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Let’s say that you want to register a domain name, so you go to the Network Solutions Web site to see if the name is available. If the domain name has not yet been taken, Network Solutions will register it for themselves behind your back, forcing you either to buy the name from them immediately (at their high price of $34.99), or wait four days until they release it again (at which point someone else may be able to get it before you).
If this happens to you, we imagine that you might feel something like this:

We’re introducing a new “We’ll Pay the Ransom” promotion, wherein we will pay Network Solutions the $34.99 necessary to register the domain name for you. Or, if you’ve already paid it, we’ll credit your account $34.99. Either way, just sign up to transfer the domain name to us and a year of our Web hosting.
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We’re pleased to announce that our new Webmail system is available. You’ll find many improved features:
- A flexible search feature that lets you search through subjects, senders, and more.
- The ability to optionally view “unsafe” images in HTML messages.
- Preferences that permanently remember things such as your time zone and date format.
- An easier-to-use address book.
- Optional threaded message display.
- Message filters (sorting incoming mail into certain folders) and highlighting.
- Automatic conversion of many foreign-language character sets to UTF-8 display, making it easier to read messages written in other languages.
- And much more…
If you’re already a Webmail user, you’ll see the new pages the next time you login. If you haven’t tried Webmail before, this page explains how to get started.
By the way, we’ll be keeping our old Webmail system around for a couple of weeks at this special address, just in case anyone experiences any problems and needs to temporarily “downgrade”. If you have any trouble with the new system, do let us know right away so we can address it before the old pages are permanently removed.
We’d also like to thank the more-than-200 people who helped us test the new system over the last few weeks. The new system is better because of your efforts.