Ruby 1.8 and Python 2.5 / 2.6 no longer supported

As of today, we’re officially no longer supporting the very old Ruby 1.8, Python 2.5 and Python 2.6 programs on our servers. They’ll soon be removed from our servers entirely. (Ruby and Python are scripting languages; if you don’t know what they are, your site is unlikely to affected by this and you can ignore it.)

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Ruby updated to version 1.9.3

We’ve updated the default version of the Ruby scripting language on our servers from 1.8.7 to 1.9.3.

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Perl and Ruby updated

We’ve updated our servers with a Perl security bug fix and a Ruby security update.

The updates fix only security bugs, and customers should not notice any changes in how the Perl or Ruby programming languages work.

Software updates: Webmail, Ruby, Perl, MySQL

We’ve installed several software upgrades on our servers. First of all, updates to our new Webmail system over the last few days fix:

  • An incompatibility with Mac OS Internet Explorer version 5.1 and earlier.
  • A problem that could cause an outgoing message to have an invalid “Reply-To” field in rare circumstances.
  • A bug where messages in the Sent folder could appear out of order.
  • An issue reported by one user that prevented viewing of a message with bad HTML code.

These fixes solve all the bugs that we know of in the new Webmail system (although we have plenty of feature requests that we’re working on). If you’re still using the old system, now’s the time to switch, or to let us know why you’re using the old system so we can address that.

In addition, we also upgraded the following software on our servers Monday night:

  • Ruby security updates (including libopenssl-ruby).
  • Perl and PCRE security updates (this update was intentionally delayed due to the need for extra testing mentioned in the Debian PCRE announcement).
  • MySQL client libraries that provide MySQL 3.23 and MySQL 4.1 backwards compatibility. (Updates to MySQL 5 are forthcoming but not yet ready.)

As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

System status: